Clover Chord Systems Download

Please select your OS system

for Macintosh
Trial Save&Print function
can not be used
Regular    (7000 yen tax included)

for Windows
Trial(5 days free trial)
Print function can not be used
Regular    (5500yen tax included)
Academic (3850 yen tax included)
(Upgrade not available)

exchange rate Price will differ according to your currency rate. Please refer to your currency rate.
¢¨Please put 5500 JPY for Regular version, 3850 for Academic version.

Once you pay to upgrade your free trial version to regular version, you will receive a license key by Email.
Re-install is not necessary. The delivery of emails might take 5 business days at longest, so please pay ahead of time
¢¨Please input the license key when installing, or at the end of free trial period.

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Once you order, cancelation and refund is not available.
Please try as much as you want to consider before your decision.
